Friday, September 21, 2007

Why I Blog Here

My original intent when I began this post was to share images and stories from my many trips around the state. But since then my trips have dwindled, (much because of my work and often because my kids are in school) so I haven't had as much to share. My new goal is to post something at least once a week and discuss or share something about New Mexico worth looking at, be you from the area or someone from far away who might be interested in our fantastic little piece of Heaven here. :)

I grew up here, playing amongst the tumbleweeds and cacti, exploring the mesas and the arroyos, traipsing the mountains and dry river beds. I moved far away more than once, but I always came back, either in person or in my aching heart which has always loved this area no matter where else I might be living at the time.

That may sound as if I just haven't traveled enough, and let me tell you that's not true. I've been to thirty two of the United States, and lived in eleven of them. I've been to four countries not including the U.S., and lived in Sicily for three years. I've found much to love about the world wherever I have been, and called many places home that i miss even now. But none of them were New Mexico. With her gorgeous landscapes, amazing food, and her unusual mix of cultures I have never found a place like the Land of Enchantment.