Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Red or Green?

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Hola! I'm back! While I was away taking photos, taking notes, and every opportunity to sample and sup as much New Mexico cuisine as possible I pondered what I wanted to share and talk about in my journal when I finally got back.

In case the previous line didn't give hint... I decided to delve deeper into the topic of food.

New Mexico food is a country of it's own. It has it's roots, as one might suspect, in Mexican food, but if you sample the wares of our south of the border friends, or even our neighbors (Texas, Arizona, Colorado) around us, you'll realize that we have a flavor and a flair that is all our own. Part of it is because of
Navajo food influences (Navajo Fry Bread and Blue Corn are two tiny examples) and other cultural influences as New Mexico has grown and changed over the last two hundred years.

New Mexican foods are present at almost every festival, celebrated occasion, and event. You can find evidence of it on almost every Native New Mexican table. Two staples you almost always find at a meal here are
and chili. (red or green).

In June of 1999 New Mexico adopted the State Question: "Red or Green?" This does not refer to the traffic lights. It refers to our chili.
(Read about the adoption of the Official Question, as Well as Our State Motto) Fabian Garcia, a horticulturist, is given much of the credit for the roots of what New Mexican's consider Our Chili. In the early 1900s Senor Garcia experimented with chili seeds. In 1907 he developed chili which became the standard chili for New Mexican chili. This is now known as the Anaheim. The chili has evolved since 1950 and is now considered a variety under the New Mexican pod type category. Understanding the difference between New Mexican Green and Red Chili's
and other chili you may be able to purchase is hugely important because of flavor and results. Believe me when I say please don't try and use Bell Peppers when a recipe calls for Anaheim or New Mexican Green chili. Many a poor soul gave up on the wonders of New Mexican food because they used the wrong chili in a recipe.

So ... if I were going to host a dinner/buffet and have you all over to sample some of my favorites ... what would I serve you?

Green Chili Stew

(Hominy Stew)
(Mexican Flat Bread)
(Puffed, Hollow Bread)
Green Chili Chicken Enchiladas

Chili Relenos


Navajo Fry Bread Tacos

(Anise Seed Cookies)
Flan Caramelisado
(Carmel Custard)

Many of these recipes I gave links to come from the same site, but I tried to show you a few sites where the recipes are authentic. Really, if you are going to cook a lot of New Mexican food you should get a cookbook, and the one I love is called Simply Simpatico
. (this link is to Barnes & Nobles).

Hope ya try a recipe ... if you do, I hope you drop me a line and tell me what you thought, ask questions.... lemme know what you think of our world famous cuisine here. :)

Great Links:

New Mexico Cuisine

Cosinas De New Mexico

Chili Information
(The Chile Pepper Institute)
Hatch Chile Express

New Mexico Chili