Monday, June 11, 2007


About two miles west of my home there is an overpass stretching across I-40. Currently there is a gorgeous display of bright blue wildflowers covering the entire hillside which drivers on I-40 pass on their way to Albuquerque. I love this brilliant burst of color, even though the allergies they bring cause me to moan almost daily due to headaches.

A few weeks ago little bouquets of purple wildflowers could be seen everywhere. There are still some signs of them in the cooler areas where the warm sun has yet to eradicate them. Also I have seen bright stalks of Indian Paint brushes, (bright yellow and red) and little blue bell -like flowers no larger than my pinky nail. Soon wild sunflowers will blanket fields for miles. These are my favorite, they are so hardy and friendly at the same time. They all go to seed so fast, a lovely view for a moment fading until next year.

I've tried collecting the seeds, but I always seem too late. This time of year things change so quickly, and the Spring winds are quick to blow it all away.